Creative Process - Second Media Agency
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Creative Process

Absolutely Stunning Design & Functionality


There is a series of briefs about a project that comes to us. These briefs are collected through a client meeting with business details, target audience, specifications, and all other information. The customer meeting is what do you want or don’t want and discuss what is the best for you. The Brief is the most important of all graphic design process steps. There is no project to work on without a summary.


After a designer has received the brief and knows what you need from us, we should embark on some market research. This step of the process involves gathering as much information as possible to help inform our design.

This information could be about you, what you do, your past designs, etc. It could be your competitor brands and your designs. Or, the target audience and what they do and don’t respond well to. Market Research is essential to gauge what your design should or should not look like.


Up next is brainstorming, a concept. In design terms, brainstorming is the first step towards deciding how you are going to tackle the client’s brief. This means deciding what we are actually going to design for our client. Brainstorming involves putting pen to paper and spontaneously coming up with ideas of how to creatively solve the problem given to you by the client.


After we’ve brainstormed, and we are able to clearly see what is going to work and what isn’t. Now, we have to choose what is going to work best to fulfil your wish. We must whittle our choices down to one standout concept. Based on our initial research and idea generation, our final concept should successfully communicate what is your brief asked for. It should also differentiate from what else already exists in the market. The concept should be unique, memorable, personal to you, and appropriate for the target audience.


We’ll present to you what we have created whilst explaining why we have created it. Then you will give us your feedback. Your thoughts on what we have designed and how your think the final design should look. We do our best to take your advice on board but also be comfortable explaining why some of your wishes may not work.


Once we’ve got feedback from you, and we will try our best to respond to the feedback. It may even be another brainstorm about how your’ wishes may fit into the design and we could improve another idea of how to please you.


We present the last situation of the design to you and we desire to hear from you ‘Yes! We love it!’. If you are happy and we’re happy, then it’s time to realise that our design is perfect how it is. Once we’ve finished all the other steps, our design has been finalised, approved and packaged. The design process is over, and the project is complete. Now everything has been signed off, it’s time to get everything ready and let our design head out into the world on its own.